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October 22, 2023

The Disciple's Call to Forgiveness

Speaker: Pastor Ben Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 18:1–35

In any age or culture, people find it difficult to forgive. Yet this is a non-negotiable aspect of the Christian life: as people who have been forgiven much, we are called to be forgiving toward others. Join us as explore the rationale and basis of forgiveness along with what this means for us!

other sermons in this series

Jun 30


The Last Supper

Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Matthew 26:17–30 Series: Matthew

Jun 23


Wholly Devoted

Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Matthew 26:1–16 Series: Matthew

Jun 2


The Olivet Discourse: The End

Speaker: Pastor Ben Passage: Matthew 25:31–46 Series: Matthew